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Table 3 Predicted human resource costs for PrEP activities by health care worker qualification

From: Human resource needs and costs for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis provision in nurse-led primary care in Eswatini and opportunities for task sharing

Human resource costs ($)

Nursing sister


Nurse assistant


HTS counselor

Peer supporter

Unit cost of time

 Salary per minute

0.26 (0.24–0.27)

0.16 (0.12–0.20)

0.11 (0.11–0.12)

0.063 (0.055–0.072)



Fixed time cost

 Fixed cost per PrEP visit

2.26 [1.48–3.13]

1.39 [0.76–2.27]

0.99 [0.66–1.36]

0.56 [0.34–0.83]

0.42 [0.29–0.54]

0.12 [0.086–0.16]

Cost of PrEP activity

 Pre-PrEP counseling

0.76 [0–1.95]

0.47 [0–1.42]

0.33 [0–0.85]


0.14 [0–0.34]

0.042 [0–0.10]

 HIV risk assessment

0.45 [0–1.66]

0.28 [0–1.21]

0.20 [0–0.72]


0.083 [0–0.29]

0.025 [0–0.087]

 PrEP eligibility screening

0.82 [0.0010–1.74]

0.51 [0.00052–1.26]

0.36 [0.00045–0.76]


 PrEP initiation

2.28 [1.17–3.51]

1.40 [0.60–2.55]

1.00 [0.52–1.53]


 Follow-up counseling

1.06 [0.30–1.91]

0.65 [0.15–1.38]

0.46 [0.13–0.83]


0.19 [0.058–0.33]


 Blood testing

0.82 [0.32–1.37]

0.50 [0.16–0.99]

0.36 [0.14–0.59]

0.20 [0.072–0.36]

0.15 [0.062–0.24]

  1. () = range. [] = uncertainty interval. Nurse = registered nurse with single or double qualification. HTS = HIV testing services. Peer supporter = mother-to-mother mentor or expert client. Empty cell = health care worker unlikely to provide this PrEP activity. Time needs estimated based on Table 2 Model 1. Time needs estimated based on Table 2 Model 2 are provided in Additional file 1: Supplement A Table S6