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Table 1 Development of the questionnaire

From: Migrant physicians’ entrance and advancement in the Swedish medical labour market: a cross-sectional study





Literature review

When conducting the literature review, little empirical knowledge was identified regarding MPs’ pathways into the labour market in Sweden.



In a process parallel to the literature review, 24 participants from the CPP were interviewed at the beginning of the programme and after completing it (n = 16). Informal interviews with experts, such as recruitment staff, a physicians’ trade union, researchers and responsible persons from the CPP, were also conducted (n = 7).



Themes for further investigation were developed based on the literature review and interviews.


Item development

The themes were described, and questions as well as response scales were developed and discussed continuously [37,38,39].



Questions were presented and critically discussed in different forums (e.g. research seminars) to obtain feedback on the themes, questions and wordings, as well as to streamline the questionnaire, fill any gaps and reduce redundant questions.


Cognitive interviews (CIs)

The constructed questions and response scales were discussed during individual interviews with six physicians, who were migrants not educated in Sweden (except one). After the cognitive interviews, the questionnaire was further improved regarding wording, formulation and response alternatives.


Pilot test

I) The questionnaire was constructed digitally with a survey tool and sent out for pretest to 23 individuals. In this pretest, 16 respondents provided feedback on the logic in the questionnaire, as well as on the questions and response alternatives. The respondents consisted of researchers, people responsible for or working with the CPP, and others with relevant expertise. The questionnaire was thereafter further improved.

II) The questionnaire was sent out for a pilot test to 24 physicians working in Sweden who were at different stages in their careers; however, this did not include a sample from the MPs selected for participation in the study. Some of the respondents in the pilot study had their medical education in Sweden. Fifteen of the 24 responded in the pilot. In the pilot, the respondents answered the questionnaire, but they also had the opportunity to provide feedback on the questionnaire, questions and wording. The results and comments from the pilot were discussed during two research meetings with different participants, and the questionnaire was refined twice more before use.